Fragonard Parfumeur Etoile Parfum 30 ml or 60 ml
Fragonard Parfumeur
Etoile fragrance from Fragonard Parfumeur is a parfum featuring a natural scent that is perfect for summer or spring, but maintains multi-seasonal appeal. This crisply scented perfume has top notes of bergamot, apple, and ginger, producing a warm and inviting fragrance you are sure to love. The Fragonard Etoile parfum, as opposed to the eau de toilette or eau de parfum is the most highly concentrated of the fragrance varieties establishing a higher potency of the Etoile fragrance.
Parfums or perfumes release all notes of the scent simultaneously, in comparison to an eau de toilette or eau de parfum that may release notes slower over a shorter duration due to the lower concentration. Typically, parfum or perfume is regarded as the highest quality fragrance because it can create the most beautiful of combinations.
Available in 30 ml or 60 ml Spray Parfum
Made in France